PPL outlines first-of-its-kind technology

PPL outlines first-of-its-kind technology

Jul 16, 2023

PPL Electric Utilities is bolstering the reliability of the power it delivers to its more than 1.4 million customers with the use of Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) technology, a first-of-its-kind technology that is garnering national recognition.

In 2022, PPL Electric became the first U.S. electric utility to integrate DLR technology into real-time and market operations. The technology uses sensors that provide real-time information about conditions such as wind speed and line temperature that affect the performance of transmission lines, which are critical to delivering power to customers. The information from the sensors is used to increase the amount of electricity delivered over transmission lines when needed, decreasing congestion and improving reliability. Since October, PPL Electric has been sending hourly, day-ahead forecasts generated from the DLR system to PJM Interconnection, the regional transmission organization, to help coordinate more efficient generation and ensure reliability.

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