Water and Wastewater Industry Overview

EUCI provides knowledge of the water industry with quality courses designed in collaboration with with industry professionals with extensive knowledge of the water/wastewater sector.


Courses cover the full range of topics – from non-technical, tutorial-style introductions that orient attendees on fundamental industry concepts to in-depth, quite granular treatments of highly technical and complex industry measures.


Conferences attract varying perspectives on cutting edge policy and process issues that highlight how the industry is grappling and evolving with the inventions and integration of new technologies, as well as the greener initiatives being implemented to lessen any environmental impact.


In-house, tailored events empower industry organizations to bring experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) addressing pre-arranged topics and related nuances to meet staff requirements and further organizational objectives.

Rates and Finance

EUCI covers rate and finance in great depth. Water utilities must replace aging infrastructure while meeting service standards at a reasonable cost. Our portfolio of courses includes instructional programs in fundamental concepts and more nuanced courses for seasoned experts. Our course offerings range from the Impact of policy on customer rates to assessing the financial strength and stability of the utility, to budgeting and funding capital improvements.

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Regulation and Compliance

The water/wastewater sector has a complex regulatory landscape. EUCI courses provide knowledge and skills to ensure success in regulation and compliance management. From wastewater challenges faced by environmental professionals to discharge permitting and the realities of compliance, our courses will help you to develop strategies and procedures for inspections and ensure compliance to minimize the potential for fines or legal action.

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Business Operations


EUCI recognizes the vital role of managers and business strategy. Our business operations courses contain practical, up-to-date guidelines for staffing, employee engagement, and effective communications with stakeholders and customers. Attendees will come away with actionable strategies to improve business practices at the operational and management level.

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Water Utilities

EUCI is committed to providing courses focused on operation and maintenance of water and wastewater facilities in the US and Canada. Our offerings are designed to provide clear, accurate content for proper management of water and wastewater systems. Courses feature critical planning, organization and documentation practices for utility management, as well as security and emergency response plans and actionable plans for consistent growth.

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In today’s dynamic environment, leaders in the water/wastewater sector are facing many critical issues. Water utilities are facing constant pressure to replace aging infrastructure and meet increased regulatory demands, while meeting enhanced levels of service at a reasonable cost.

At EUCI we provide training courses and summits to address critical issues including funding for expansion and infrastructure, increasingly stringent environmental regulations, and compliance. It’s imperative to achieve compliance and continue to be compliant as mandated standards change, while staying current with new technology and processes for water treatment.

Attend EUCI’s events for the latest information on crucial topics in the water/wastewater sector.

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Introductory Courses

EUCI provides curated introductory courses on topics needed for success in the water/wastewater industry. Subjects include technical operations, understanding regulations, utility management and environmental protection.