Wireless Pole Attachments Best Practices

As technology advances and the demand for reliable, faster broadband services increases, pole owners are faced with increasing pressure to allow wireless attachments on their poles. But who will pay? What rights do the pole owners have regarding their own assets? And on the other side, the wireless carriers want to understand why they are having difficulty getting their equipment on utility poles. Wading through the waters of joint use and pole attachment agreements can be difficult, especially if these agreements are not up to date. Add increasing pressure from the FCC, strict timelines, and rental rates, both sides of the industry don’t always know what their best options are, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

This conference is intended to provide attendees from municipalities, electric utilities and wireless/telecom companies with the knowledge and experience to better understand new regulations, technology, and what to expect in the future. Through technical presentations, open discussion, panels, and case studies, the goal of this conference is to let utilities and wireless carries share and hear each other’s experiences. The demand for faster internet access will not decrease, therefore, it is vital for these industries to be prepared and ready to meet the demands of their customers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss how industry trends such as fiber deployment and wireless attachments are impacting electric utilities
  • Formulate effective strategies for working with attachers and joint-users to correct past mistakes and issues
  • Discuss the advent of 5G technology and how it impacts pole attachments
  • Review past and current state and federal pole attachment regulations
  • Discuss pole attachment insurance and indemnification
  • Describe current trends in broadband deployment
  • Compare different states commission plans for pole attachments
  • Compare future outlooks of pole attachments from the perspectives of leaders in investor owned utilities, public utilities, cooperatives, and telecommunications



EUCI is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

EUCI is authorized by IACET to offer 1.0 CEUs for this conference and 0.4 CEUs for the workshop.


Requirements for Successful Completion of Program

Participants must sign in/out each day and be in attendance for the entirety of the conference to be eligible for continuing education credit.

Instructional Methods

Case Studies
Power Point presentations


Thursday, January 18, 2018

12:30 – 1:00 p.m. :: Registration

1:00 – 1:05 p.m. :: EUCI Opening Remarks and Welcome

1:05 – 1:30 p.m. :: The Advent of 5G where Capacity is King 

5G networks will be able to transmit huge amounts of data, but only a few blocks at a time, which is why there is the demand for small cells. In this presentation, Verizon will discuss what is driving the tremendous growth in wireless technology and small cell technology. Since the demand for small cells will not diminish, this presentation will also share experiences and strategies for working with utilities and local governments to create valuable partnerships that benefit the local communities.

Matt Butler, West Territory Network Liaison – Community Outreach & Education, Verizon Wireless

1:30 – 2:00 p.m. :: Smart City Partnerships:  A Model Approach

Across the globe, cities are increasingly looking towards technology to improve essential communications, efficiently deliver community services, reduce carbon footprint, and attract investment.  Smart City technology requires a collaborative effort from local jurisdictions, utility infrastructure owners, citizen and business groups.  Given the multitude of stakeholders involved, no single player can act alone.  This session attempts to explore the topic of Smart City infrastructure, analyze case studies from cities throughout North America and abroad, identify partnership opportunities, address stakeholder concerns, anticipate future technology requirements, and establish best practices. 

Tim Asta, National Director, Strategic Siting, ExteNet Systems

2:00 – 2:30 p.m. :: Promoting Broadband Deployment

This speaker will discuss advocates’ increasing focus on pole attachment reform as a means to promote broadband deployment, in particular at the state and local level in jurisdictions that have opted to exercise their reverse preemption rights.  Specific areas of focus will include one touch make ready proposals and assertion of pole access rights by municipalities seeking to deploy broadband.  The speaker will describe recent efforts in Maine and other jurisdictions in which such reform efforts led to constructive collaboration between diverse stakeholders and concrete improvements in pole attachment practices.

Tim Schneider, General Counsel and Principal Consultant, Tilson Technology Management

2:30– 2:45 p.m. :: Afternoon Break

2:45– 3:30 p.m. :: Overview of Past and Current State and Federal Laws Regarding Pole Attachments

With the ever-changing legal landscape of pole attachments, it is easy to forget all the laws and regulations. This presentation will provide a history of pole attachment regulation at the federal and state levels, including a discussion of the applicability of the federal Pole Attachment Act, rights and obligations under the Act, and recent FCC actions.

Chris Huther, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP

3:30  – 5:00 p.m. :: PANEL: Public Utility Commissions’ Point of View


Sean Knowles, McLean Engineering


Commissioner Crystal Rhoades, Nebraska Public Service Commission

Commissioner Sarah Freeman, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission

Commissioner Paul Kjellander, Idaho Public Utilities Commission

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. :: Networking reception brought to you by  


Friday, January 19, 2018

7:30 a.m.- 8:00 a.m. :: Continental Breakfast

8:00 – 8:30 a.m. :: What are Small Cells? The value to both Carriers and Utilities  

Now that we know why there is a need for small cells, it’s important to understand how the technology works,  future demands and why utilities have the ideal infrastructure to support this demand.  This session will provide an overview of small cells and the recommended steps and tools required to successfully enable Carrier’s and Utility’s to realize the benefits.

David Hulinsky, PE, Director, Utility Telecom & Automation Distribution, Black and Veatch

8:30 – 9:00 a.m. :: Case Study: San Diego Gas and Electric’s Joint Asset Management

SDG&E’s Joint Asset Management business procedures (wireless pole attachments to Distribution poles). This presentation will start with an overview of SDG&E’s pole attachment application process, pre-construction assessment and the post construction audit review. In addition, we will discuss our wireless construction standard (below electric line and pole top antennas) along with our internal electric standard practice for working in proximity to third party wireless antennas.

Greg Walters, Team Lead-Electric Distribution Standards and Work Methods, San Diego Gas & Electric

Carlos Castro, Asset Management Technical Advisor, San Diego Gas & Electric

9:00 – 9:45 a.m. :: FCC Rulings on Pole Attachment Fees and Rates

This presentation will provide a high-level overview regarding the FCC’s rate methodologies, analyze recent FCC decisions impacting the formulas, and discuss their effect on rate negotiations with entities that are, and are not, covered by the federal Pole Attachment Act.

Claire Evans, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP

9:45 – 10:15 a.m. :: Case Study: Xcel Energy’s Experience with Permitting Small Cell Attachments on Distribution Infrastructure

Tom Breuckman, Manager, Facility Attachments, Xcel Energy

10:15 – 10:30 a.m. :: Morning Break

10:30 – 11:15 a.m. :: Case Study:  CPS Energy’s Small Cell Wireless Attachment Standards

In 2017, CPS Energy approved Wireless Pole Attachment Standards (the “Standards”). The Standards recognize different small cell business models of traditional wireless carriers, cable systems, infrastructure providers, and backhaul providers – each of which requires separate contractual treatment. In this session, CPS Energy will explain how they created these standards through a stakeholder process of quarterly workshops and written comments to a strawman that began the year before.

Gabriel Garcia, Director & Senior Counsel, Legal Services, CPS Energy

11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. :: Pole Attachment Insurance and Indemnification

Insurance and indemnification provisos are increasingly becoming subject to intense negotiations as new types of equipment and facilities are being attached to traditional poles and other structures.  Discussed are recent cases and regulatory issues designed to help practitioners understand and then successfully negotiate these provisos. 

Douglas Everette, Of Counsel, Barnes and Thornburg, LLP

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. :: Group Luncheon

1:00 – 1:30 p.m. :: Wireless Colocation on Utility Poles and Street Furniture

This session will provide an overview and specific examples, along with photos, of emerging colocation use case and challenges on utility pole and street furniture in the right of way. The speaker will provide an overview of current 4G LTE densification projects, grid modernization wireless at the pole top, and emerging 5G deployments. Throughout, the speaker will highlight challenges and opportunities in pole attachment economics, safety, grounding, make-ready management, operational management, and host community engagement.

Josh Broder, CEO, Tilson

1:30– 2:15 p.m. :: Case Studies from the Field

Collaboration with local government, flat rate billing structures, range of design options, third party program managers and demonstration sites.

Melissa Mullarkey, Sr Director, Government Relations, Mobilitie

2:15  – 2:45 p.m. :: Future Trends for Wireline; Copper Retreat

With all the talk regarding 5G and small cells, what does the future hold for legacy networks? This presentation will discuss the evolution of wireline service and how it will be impacted by the retreat of the copper network.

Janet Gazlay Martin, Director – Network Transformation, Verizon

2:45  – 3:00 p.m. Afternoon Break

3:00 – 4:30 p.m. :: What does the Future Look Like for Pole Attachments?


Chris Huther, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP


Michael Hill, Executive Director, External Relations, ExteNet Systems, Inc.

Brian O’Hara, Senior Director Regulatory Issues, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Andrew Wills, Director of Government Relations, and Counsel, American Public Power Association

Aryeh Fishman, Associate General Counsel, Regulatory Legal Affairs, Edison Electric Institute

James Cole, Director North American Utilities, ikeGPS

4:30 p.m. :: Conference Adjourns



Utility Pole Attachments 101

January 18, 2018


Throughout its first year under new Chairman Ajit Pai, The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been working to encourage broadband deployment.  As part of that effort, the FCC’s Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC) is providing recommendations to streamline the pole attachment process. Simultaneously, to support the upcoming deployment of 5G wireless networks, state legislatures across the country are considering legislation to pre-empt municipal control over small cell wireless attachments, with at least 8 states having passed new laws.  While these changes will impact pole-owners’ and attachers’ Joint-Use and Pole Attachment processes in ways large and small, some fundamental truths of the pole attachment process remain.

Learning Outcomes

  • Review common joint use contract provisions and their practical implications.
  • Demonstrate how to calculate the FCC Maximum Allowable Rate for pole attachments.
  • Explain the rights and obligations of utilities and joint-users/attachers on new and existing joint use poles.
  • Review NJUNS and the transfer process
  • Analyze effective strategies for working with attachers and joint-users to correct past mistakes and issues.


7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. :: Registration

8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. :: Course Timing

Introduction and Pole Attachment Overview

Industry Trends

  • FCC/Regulatory Update
  • BDAC Recommendations
  • Small Cell Wireless Siting Legislation

Pole Attachment Agreements

  • Review of Common Contract Provisions and Fees
  • Administering Existing and “Predecessor” Agreements
  • Negotiating New Agreements
  • Wireless Contract Addenda to Comply with New Laws

New Joint Use – The Essentials to Ensure Proper Attachments

  • The Permit Process and Timeline “Shot-Clock”
  • Make-Ready

Existing Joint Use – Modifications and Transfers

  • Transfer Software Options, Tips and Tricks
  • Late transfers and Pole Ownership transfers
  • Modifying Existing Joint Use Poles

Correcting Past Issues

  • Pole Attachment Inventories
  • NESC Clearance Requirements, Violations and Remedies
  • Pole Ownership
  • Stranded Assets

Attachment Cost Calculations

  • FCC Maximum Allowable Rate Calculation Example
  • Alternative Methods and Sample Rates
  • Wireless Attachment Rates in Small Cell Legislation


Sean Knowles, Principal, VP. Business Development, McLean Engineering

Sean has been with McLean Engineering for eight years.  During that time, McLean has grown its distribution engineering, inspection and pole attachment practice to include IOU, electric cooperative, and municipal utility clients across the US.  Sean’s primary responsibilities related to pole attachments include project development, overall project management and project payback, as well as pole attachment contract development, pole attachment rental rate calculation and contract advisement and negotiation. 

Prior to coming to McLean Engineering, Sean earned a Master of Business Administration from Duke University, where he ran the Duke Start-up Challenge business plan competition.  Prior to Duke, Sean worked for six years in the United States Senate, the last four of which he spent as a staff member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, during which time he negotiated eight public laws allocating military spending, traveled to 13 countries conducting project oversight, analyzed over 2,000 construction projects and allocated over $50 billion in funding for the Department of Defense (DOD).  Sean’s experience during his tenure on the Appropriations Committee included oversight of the DOD’s utilities privatization program.  Prior to his work in the Senate, Sean earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Texas Tech University.


Tim Asta, National Director, Strategic Siting, ExteNet Systems

Josh Broder, CEO, Tilson

Matt Butler, West Territory Network Liaison – Community Outreach & Education, Verizon Wireless

Carlos Castro, Asset Management Technical Advisor, San Diego Gas & Electric

Claire Evans, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP

Douglas Everette, Barnes and Thornburg, LLP

Chelsey Fayerweather, Facility Attachments Coordinator, Xcel Energy

Aryeh Fishman, Associate General Counsel, Regulatory Legal Affairs, Edison Electric Institute

Commissioner Sarah Freeman, Indiana

Gabriel Garcia, Director & Senior Counsel, Legal Services, CPS Energy

Tim Gasser, Puget Sound Energy (Invited)

Michael Hill, Executive Director, External Relations, ExteNet Systems, Inc.

David Hulinsky, PE, Director, Utility Telecom & Automation Distribution, Black and Veatch

Chris Huther, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP

Commissioner Paul Kjellander, Idaho

Sean Knowles, McLean Engineering

Brian O’Hara, Senior Director Regulatory Issues, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Commissioner Crystal Rhoades, Nebraska

Tim Schneider, General Counsel and Principal Consultant, Tilson Technology Management

Greg Walters, Team Lead-Electric Distribution Standards and Work Methods, San Diego Gas & Electric

Andrew Wills, Director of Government Relations, and Counsel, American Public Power Association


Hyatt Regency Orange County
11999 Harbor Blvd
Garden Grove, CA 92840

To reserve your room, please call 1-714-750-1234
Please indicate that you are with the EUCI group to receive the group rate.

Click here to book online

Room Rate:

The room rate is $169.00 single or double plus applicable taxes.

Room Block Dates:

A room block has been reserved for the nights of January 17 – 18, 2018.

Rate Available Until:

Make your reservations prior to December 27, 2017. There are a limited number of rooms available at the conference rate. Please make your reservations early.



Wireless Pole Attachments Best Practices

January 18, 2018 | Anaheim, CA
Individual attendee(s) - $ 1395.00 each

Buy 4 in-person seats and only pay for 3! For this event every fourth in-person attendee is free!


Utility Pole Attachments 101

January 18
Individual attendee(s) - $ 595.00 each


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