This course will provide an understanding of why there have not been any new nuclear power plant orders in the United States for over 30 years and why that is about to change. It describes major industry events including the Browns Ferry fire, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the Fukushima accidents and their chilling effect on the industry resulting in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission becoming a hardened regulator and causing utilities to cancel almost as many megawatts of nuclear generation as in operation today.
The course then describes the rising safety standard required of all nuclear licensees and the corresponding safety culture that now permeates the nuclear power industry. It will describe typical nuclear power plants including Small Modular Reactors. Other issues that illustrate the controversial nature of nuclear power including the disposal and transportation of spent nuclear fuel, and the potential of an accident or a terrorist attack will also be discussed.
Additional topics, including a discussion of the nuclear fuel cycle to better understand the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea will be explored. This course will help provide a basis for understanding commercial nuclear power and the subtle and oftentimes emotional debate that accompanies it.