Siting and Permitting for Transmission Projects

Siting and Permitting for Transmission Projects

May 20, 2019 | Indianapolis, IN ::

Siting new transmission lines is a daunting task with numerous regulatory hurdles in the process. These complications are compounded when projects have an impact on areas that have significant natural, rural, or urban resources. Successful project collaboration among agencies, community groups, and transmission developers is key to overcoming challenges, preserving sensitive areas, and getting projects built.

This conference will focus on siting and permitting lessons learned, necessary habitat restoration and mitigation, and successful community engagement in environments with sensitive botanical, cultural, wildlife and community resources while also diving into the integration of these projects from rural into urban environments.


Learning Outcomes

  • Engage with Idaho Power’s strategy for public outreach for a controversial project
  • Detail Omaha Public Power District’s siting and ROW process for a new transmission line and the resulting lessons learned
  • Describe American Electric Power’s strategies for siting transmission across a multiple state regulation footprint
  • Listen to solutions utilizing alternatives for ROW access for construction of lines
  • Review Tampa Electric’s processes and methods for meeting the expectations in siting transmission
  • Engage in a panel discussion on the challenges facing transmission siting and methods for meeting those
  • Listen to the lessons learned by Xcel Energy in siting new transmission on federal, state, and private land where over 50 oil and gas operators were developing their infrastructure
  • Discuss Ameren’s lessons learned and approach in effective public engagement
  • Describe the more rigorous mitigation consultation approach taken with US Fish & Wildlife that resulted in a more accurate compensation for habitat replacement



EUCI is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

EUCI is authorized by IACET to offer 0.9 CEUs for this event.


Requirements for Successful Completion of Program

Participants must sign in/out each day and be in attendance for the entirety of the conference to be eligible for continuing education credit.

Instructional Methods

Case studies, PowerPoint presentations, and group discussion will be used in this event.


Monday, May 20, 2019

8:00 – 8:30 a.m. :: Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 8:40 a.m. :: Introductions

8:40 – 9:40 a.m. :: From Reactive to Proactive – Changing Idaho Power’s Approach to Engaging the Public

Idaho Power developed and took a new strategic approach to public outreach on a potentially controversial transmission rebuild and substation upgrade. Despite internal skepticism caused by past challenges, the success of one project is reinforcing a change in company culture and a more customer-focused way of doing business. 

Joe Stippel, PE, Principal Project Manager, Idaho Power

Jeff Maffuccio, Facility Siting Coordinator, Idaho Power

Stephanie Borders, Public Involvement Coordinator, HDR

9:40 – 10:30 a.m. :: A Case Study in Authentic Engagement with Communities, Stakeholders, and Landowners

Determination of where a transmission line project will be sited involves a multi-disciplinary approach that is discerned through the collection of rich qualitative and quantitative data. This informed decision-making process is most successful when routing criteria is identified early and paired with a robust engagement effort. OPPD and HDR will present lessons learned and best practices from the Midwest Transmission and the Elkhorn River Valley Transmission Projects in Nebraska. 

Jake Farrell, Supervisor Land Management, Omaha Public Power District

Katie Hatfield Edstrom, PhD, HDR

10:30 – 11:00 a.m. :: Networking Break

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. :: Challenges and Strategies Siting Transmission over Multiple States

Siting transmission is a complicated process in any situation but taking on the challenges of siting transmission across thirteen different states adds additional layers of complexity to the process. This presentation will review and discuss American Electric Power’s challenges faced and their strategies for siting transmission across this multiple and varied state regulation footprint.

Timothy B Gaul, Director Transmission Line Siting, American Electric Power

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. :: Group Luncheon

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. :: Difficulties with ROW Access and Alternative Solutions

ROW access has been fraught with many obstacles such as landowner perceptions, agricultural access, wetlands and permitting.   Solutions utilizing alternatives, such as composite matting and turnkey access, has proven to mitigate many of the obstacles. Case Studies to be discussed.

Joe Goodhew, Director T&D, Newpark Mats and Integrated Services

2:00 – 2:45 p.m. :: Meeting Expectations in the Siting of Transmission

Siting new transmission lines and renewable facilities requires a higher level of regulatory agency coordination, public outreach and stakeholder engagement than in the past. It now takes a more comprehensive look at the siting requirements and a keen awareness of a project’s impact to natural and cultural resources. Enhanced dialogue between the regulatory agencies, community stakeholders and project developers can lead to a better decision-making process and more sustainable transmission and renewable infrastructure deployment. In this presentation, we will look at:

  1. What are Florida’s siting requirements?
  2. Potential impacts to natural, cultural, wildlife and botanical resources in Florida
  3. What are stakeholders’ concerns about new transmission and renewable infrastructure?
  4. What actions can be taken to successfully address these concerns?
  5. What levels of participation are required?

Arlee Jones PgMP®, EVMP®, Project Manager II – ED Project Management, Tampa Electric

2:45 – 3:15 p.m. :: Networking Break

3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. :: Case Study: Successful Mitigation Consultation with US Fish & Wildlife

As part of consultation with USFWS, E & E re-calculated compensatory mitigation for Indiana bat, northern long-eared bat, and migratory bird forested habitat impacted by utility tree clearing.  The more rigorous approach provided a more realistic view of what compensation would be required to replace the impacted habitat.

 Dan Belin AICP, Principal, Energy Business Line, Ecology and Environment, Inc.

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. :: Challenges Facing the Siting/Permitting of Projects – Panel Discussion

This question and answer panel discussion will focus on the range of challenges that transmission owners are facing in siting lines and how they are meeting those challenges successfully.
Moderator: TBD

Timothy B Gaul, Director Transmission Line Siting, American Electric Power

Arlee Jones PgMP®, EVMP®, Project Manager II – ED Project Management, Tampa Electric

Bryant Coon, RWA, Senior Siting & Land Rights Agent, Xcel Energy

Jeff Maffuccio, Facility Siting Coordinator, Idaho Power

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. :: Networking Reception

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

8:00 – 8:30 a.m. :: Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 9:30 a.m. :: Treating the Right-of-Way the Right Way

Implementing BMPs for right-of-way access requires a thoughtful combination of planning, products, and personnel. Using practical applications and case studies, this presentation will focus on maximizing site access and construction efficiency while minimizing environmental impact to help ease the siting and permitting process.

John Capodice, Executive Vice President, Power, Sterling

9:30 – 10:30 a.m. :: Large Scale Grid Expansion in the Permian Basin: New Approaches and Lessons Learned

No one thought siting, permitting, and constructing a historic $1B buildout of over 600 miles of transmission lines and a dozen substations throughout a landscape rich in cultural and natural resources would be easy; but doing it all on the same federal, state, and private land where over 50 oil and gas operators were developing their infrastructure at the same time called for some new approaches and resulted in plenty of lessons learned.

Bryant Coon, RWA, Senior Siting & Land Rights Agent, Xcel Energy

10:30 – 11:00 a.m. :: Networking Break

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. :: Finding the Right Balance Between Best Practices and Tailored Engagement

Over the last 10 years, the power industry has evolved to a standard of integrated public engagement strategy in the siting and routing process. During this transformation, most utilities have developed best practices and structure around siting and routing engagement. A standard practice is important; however, the ability to flex and adapt to the unique project and community is an art. During this presentation we’ll review lessons learned and talk about how using a flexible strategy during siting and routing engagement can build relationships and support a smooth permitting process.

Leah Dettmers, Stakeholder Relations Specialist, Ameren Transmission

Emily Hyland, Central Region Strategic Communications Manager, HDR

12:00 p.m. :: Conference Adjourns


Dan Belin AICP, Principal, Energy Business Line, Ecology and Environment, Inc.

Stephanie Borders, Public Involvement Coordinator, HDR

John Capodice, Executive Vice President, Power, Sterling

Bryant Coon, RWA, Senior Siting & Land Rights Agent, Xcel Energy

Leah Dettmers, Stakeholder Relations Specialist, Ameren Transmission

Jake Farrell, Supervisor Land Management, Omaha Public Power District

Timothy B Gaul, Director Transmission Line Siting, American Electric Power

Joe Goodhew, Director T&D, Newpark Mats and Integrated Services

Katie Hatfield Edstrom, PhD, HDR

Emily Hyland, Central Region Strategic Communications Manager, HDR

Arlee Jones PgMP®, EVMP®, Project Manager II – ED Project Management, Tampa Electric

Jeff Maffuccio, Facility Siting Coordinator, Idaho Power

Joe Stippel, PE, Principal Project Manager, Idaho Power


Hyatt Regency Indianapolis

1 South Capitol Ave

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Reserve your room:

please call 1-888-591-1234. Ask for the EUCI group rate

Click here to book online

Room Block Reserved For:

Nights of May 19 – 22, 2019

Room rate through EUCI:

$179.00 single or double plus applicable taxes
Make your reservations prior to April 28, 2019.



Siting and Permitting for Transmission Projects

May 20, 2019 | Indianapolis, IN
Individual attendee(s) - $ 1395.00 each

Buy 4 in-person seats and only pay for 3! For this event every fourth in-person attendee is free!
